About Me

Boris Glumpler

I'm Boris and I run this site. I am also attempting to walk from Germany to Nepal, which is rather long if you didn't know.

I've had a good few jobs over the years. There's basically everything in there from shoveling trash in an English dump to teaching people how to dive on a tiny little island in the middle of Indonesia. I also taught myself how to code and was working remotely in India and Nepal way before it was a thing. Tbh, it might not be a thing now. Digital nomads seem to go more for shinier places or at least places with 24h electricity, like Bali or Bangkok.

I don't mind working and I really enjoyed some of the jobs I've had, but it has always been just a way to support my burgeoning travel addiction. I understand that for most people not working is not an option, but occasionally I do have that privilege and I will usually make the most of it.

My first solo trip led me to Southeast Asia and since then I have spent around 18 years or so in over 70 countries. If you would like to know which countries I've been to, grab yourself a globe and draw a slightly wobbly line from New Zealand all the way to Scotland. I've never been to Africa or the Americas, tho, but there are plans and backup plans to rectify that situation in future trips.

After my diving days, my interests moved from the oceans and beaches to the mountains. I had dabbled in hillwalking before and walked up Gunung Rinjani on Lombok, Indonesia and Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia. When I saw the Himalayas for the first time, tho, the oceans took a bit of a back seat. But it was the majestic bleakness of the Karakoram range that made me fall fully in love with mountains.

This walk is probably the biggest physical and mental challenge I've faced so far. I'm also no spring chicken anymore, I'm not an athlete and I have no sponsors, so there's a very real possibility that I won't finish or am forced to take long breaks. And if that happens, then that's ok. I'll adapt and come up with another hair-brained scheme. The journey is the goal after all!

In any case, there will be adventures. There will be suffering, and plenty of it. There will be laughter and elation. There will be boredom. There will be unbound happiness. There will also be sadness. But most of all there will be freedom! Come follow me along if you like!
